This is Best CPA marketing tutorial in Bangladesh. Here You will learn how to find the best CPA offers to promote online and how to create an account with CPA networks in Bengali language.
What is CPA?
Since January 1, 2017, each asset has a CPA. It is a simple device that records the rights acquired throughout his life in the context of his professional or extra-professional activities.
The CPA gathers, on a single interface, the rights coming from 3 different accounts.
The CPF (Personal Training Account) allows any asset to acquire training rights on the basis of declarations from its employers. For some, these rights are accumulated in euros, and for others it is a combination of hours. In all cases, these credits are intended to finance a diploma and certifying training, a VAE (Validation of the acquired experience), a balance of skills, a creation or recovery of business, or the driving license.
The C2P (Professional Prevention Account) allows anyone exposed to hardship in their work to accumulate points to retire early, to reduce their working time without suffering a loss of salary, or still benefit from training on a less arduous workstation.
The CEC (Citizen Engagement Account) enhances volunteer commitment, volunteerism and the activity of master of learning. The people concerned can accumulate euros and use them to finance training aimed at developing their skills within the association in which they work or vocational training.
Who can open a personal activity account?
Any asset, precarious or stable, whatever its status, can open a personal account of activity from the age of 16 years.
This includes employees of the private sector, public officials and civil servants, self-employed workers, entrepreneurs (creators and buyers of businesses), jobseekers, students and apprentices, volunteers and volunteers, and retirees. .
Note that apprentices can open their CPA at the age of 15.
How to open a personal account of online activity?
The opening of the CPA is done online, on the website moncompteactivité Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to bring your social security number.
The asset must then click on the "Login" tab at the top right of the page and then "Register". He will then be asked to enter his social security number, date of birth and telephone number. He will also have to enter a valid email address and choose a password.
The opening of the account is instantaneous. Once his registration is validated, he will be able to access his CPA.